The annual Swimming Gala was held successfully on 25th June 2019 at the Tai Po Swimming Pool. We were very fortunate to have extremely good and sunny weather on the day and all events were carried out smoothly with the help and support of the teacher officials and student helpers.
This year, we have incorporated some new, inter-class swimming events, namely, the Inter-Class Kickboard Relay and the Inter-Class Fun Race. You may see from the pictures that all participants enjoyed their inter-class events very much.
Thanks must be given to the professional swimming coach company, “Hopapa company Limited” for providing the all-rounded swimming support and safety to us, ensuring that all events were conducted under safety measures.
It has been a wonderful yet exciting year for the PE Department, with the success of the three major whole-school sports events all completed in high quality and has provided so many versatile sports learning opportunities to our students.