Story Pilots is a school team of 25 mostly S1 to S3 students who visit primary schools throughout the year and read children’s books to the students. The pilots meet weekly to practice their storytelling and reading skills.
Lots of pilots have said that being part of the group really improves their general English, and especially their speaking and presentation skills. 2M Caitlyn Liu says she has learned to, “speak louder and not be shy.”
It’s also a great place to get a taste of what it might be like to work with children as a future career. Long time Story Pilot 4S Hitomi Leung said that through participating in the team she, “learned that we can play different games with children and [there are] different ways of telling stories. For example, reading the story together with some partners.”
This year the Story Pilots made 17 different school visits from Tuen Mun to Fanling. Story Pilots read stories to over 970 primary school students from November to May. In addition to the story sessions, we also set up a game booth at English Fun Day at Christian Alliance Toi Shan HC Chan Primary.
We’re looking forward to another busy year next year and welcome any junior form students to join us in September 2019.