Last Tuesday, 12 of April, all 3S students and Senior Form students that chose Spanish as an Elective subject, went to The University of Hong Kong to visit the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, specifically the Spanish section.
When we got there, Ms. Rocío Blasco, Senior Lecturer and Spanish Programme Coordinator, welcomed and showed us the Faculty and the different buildings and spaces of the Campus. After that, Year 1 and 2 students of the BA Major in Spanish joined our LTPSS students to play some games and enjoy some Spanish time together.
Time flew and before we knew, we had to take the bus back to Tai Po. Not without producing some good memories of the time spent at the University of Hong Kong.
We really need to thank Ms. Rocío Blasco and her team (Martín, Abel and Alejandra) that prepared all those activities for our students and chose to spend some of their precious time with our students. ¡Muchas gracias!
Here are some snapshots of the visit: