Gifted Education at LTPSS

Education Bureau. (2015). Gifted Education in Hong Kong: Learning about Gifted Education.
At LTPSS, students have ample opportunities to fully develop their talents and stretch their potential in multiple areas. We believe every student is unique and talented in some way, and we are committed to nurturing the uniqueness of our multi-talented students at different levels which cater for students’ multiple intelligences.
The school adopts a holistic approach to implement gifted education. In addition to offering school-based gifted programmes, workshops, academic enrichment courses, leadership training sessions and an elite scheme for aspiring achievers, we also proactively recommend and sponsor exceptionally gifted students to participate in external enrichment programmes or courses run for the gifted and talented. These include:
- The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education membership screening and accelerated courses
- Enrichment courses run by all local universities
- Courses run by professional local and overseas institutions
- Gifted Education courses run by the Education Bureau
Echoing our school mission ‘All for Our Children’ and one of our school vision statements ‘Every Student a STAR’, we are dedicated to providing diverse learning opportunities for our students to help them stretch their potentials to the fullest.

We advocate the development of multiple intelligences in our students.