On the Global Learning Showcase (23rd March 2016), 132 S5 students presented what they learnt from the S5 Careers Week to their fellow peers. Students, who had previously been divided into six groups according to their Holland Codes, were further divided into smaller presenting groups. The presentations were all informative and serious, with eye-catching posters. Some groups even demonstrated how fitness physical test items (e.g. squat thrust, standing long jump) are conducted by the Immigration Department!
After presenting several times to different audience, it was obvious that they had internalized the information about further education, from admission requirements to detailed programme descriptions. When asked about multiple pathways, some could even give us the right answers immediately. Their peer audience were attentive while taking notes.
With so much exposure to different institutes and so many chances to share, we believe that our current S5 cohort will be much more able to make informed choices in the coming year.
For more information about the Careers Week and the S5 Global Learning Showcase, please approach Ms. Joanna Lee (Head, Careers and Life Planning Education Committee) for details.