Which font suits your personality best? Here’s what 3M Rosanna Tung shared with the Young Post.
Please enjoy her work in the link below: https://yp.scmp.com/junior-reporters/top-10/article/114505/which-font-suits-your-personality-best
Read moreIf you could add a lunch option to the menu of our school canteen, what would it be? 3M Rosanna Tung shared her preference with the Young Post.
Please enjoy her work in the link below: https://yp.scmp.com/junior-reporters/top-10/article/114318/what-should-school-canteens-sell-students-name-what-they-want
Read moreWho would you pick to be an exchange student at your school? See what 2M Daniel Lee and 3M Rosanna Tung shared with the Young Post.
Please enjoy their work in the link below: https://yp.scmp.com/junior-reporters/top-10/article/114252/who-would-be-best-exchange-student-ever
Read moreWhat is the best way to beat the heat on a hot day? 2M Jenny Fung and 2M Daniel Lee’s ideas were chosen to be the most creative responses by the Young Post.
Please enjoy their work in the link below: https://yp.scmp.com/junior-reporters/top-10/article/114132/what-best-way-cool-down
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